Good Morning all,
Can I tell you about an exciting event being held here in the North West!
The National Matrix Challenge 2020 is almost here. This cyber skills competition is open to every 11 to 17 yr. old in the United Kingdom. Contestants will compete in one of two age categories, 11-14 or 15-17yrs old.
The first stage of Matrix Challenge is a fun digital game, which runs between January 20th and February 14th 2020.
The Matrix Challenge will test participants knowledge of the computer misuse act, how to stay safe online and then really push those cyber skills. This whole stage will take around 35 minutes to complete.
Once stage one closes on Thursday February 14th the top players from every region will be invited to a live mini-event where they will take on a number of challenging activities designed and delivered by the cyber security industry.
Each region will determine their top three in each age group who will then represent their region at the national Live final.
The live final will take place in the south of England on Saturday July 4th, a contribution towards travel will be provided; full details of the venue will be released shortly.
The Matrix challenge is designed to bring the future of cyber security together with the industry; the challenge encompasses many of the Gatsby benchmarks.
Our goal is to provide young people in the United Kingdom with an opportunity to learn about the legal use of their computing skills and put their knowledge to the test to compete for a place at our live final where they will meet a number of leading industry experts.
To support this initiative, we will be running Cyber Roadshows during January 20th and February 14th 2020. I am asking you to forward this email out to your Networks and encourage them to participate!
We hope the promotional materials we have included will help you to promote the challenge.
All 11-17 year olds who reside in the United Kingdom are eligible to enter.
For more information and downloadable resources, please go to
Kind Regards
Claire Burrows | Detective Constable | Cyber Crime Prevent |
North West Regional Organised Crime Unit (NWROCU)
Office – 0151 777 7635