Open Space sessions 10-3pm (term time only)
Open Space is open to anyone who is or has a family member with ASC
Our S4A Café is open during these times for you to come in and buy snacks and a drink and from October we will be offering a variety of health lunches 12-1.30pm and dinner will also be available from 3.30-5pm at our Launch 3.30 afterschool club
We also now offer Cookery Classes with Chef Bozzie – ex-head chef from HMY Britannia – see other website post for more details.
We also invite professionals throughout each month for you to come and chat too – see below (those in Red are bookable appointments only, so please contact Space reception for more details)
Cheshire & Warrington Carers Trust coffee morning – every 1st Wednesday of each month 10-12pm
Art Therapy with our resident artists Jacki – every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 1-3pm
Tenancy Skills and Prevention 2nd Monday of each month 10-2pm, to help you with Housing advice, debt advice, house viewings, PIP forms etc…
Occupational Therapist sessions – every 2nd Tuesday of each month 10-2pm (you need to book an appointment via or ring 01625 617844
Sleep Clinic with Nicki Sutton – every 2nd Thursday of each month 10-12pm – no need to book just turn up.
CEIAS – Cheshire East Information and Advice Service – 3rd Thursday of each month – 10-12
Step 1 Talking Therapies – 3rd Thursday of each month 10-12 – come and talk to the team about benefits, housing, isolation and much more
CEAT – Cheshire Autism Team workshops with Alison Lyndop (SALT) – 2nd Wednesday of each month 10-12
CEAT – Cheshire Autism Team – a chance to speak to someone from the team 1:1 – 4th Thursday of each month 1-3pm
Should you require any further information please contact us on