This is an invitation to the next NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum event, which is a free event. An easy read version of this invitation is attached. The event will be on Thursday 8th February 2018, 11am-3pm, at Manchester United Football Club.


·      We will talk about letting NHS staff know you need support.

·      We want you to tell us about how the NHS can share information about your support needs.

Attached is more information about this event including a version In easy read (with pictures), and in plain English (no pictures) And here is a video about the event

ForumEventEasyReadInvitation_Letting NHS staff know you need support


What we will talk about at event_EasyRead

This event is for;

·      People with a learning disability

·      People with Autism

·      Families and carers

Please book your place before 24th January 2018.

Event Accessibility:

We want this event to be as accessible as possible for you. Please let us know as soon as possible how we can support you. We can confirm the following about the event;

·      The venue will be accessible

·      We will have a changing places toilet

·      We will use microphones so it is easier to hear.

·      We will keep the big sessions short – with not too much time listening to presentations

·      We will have a spare room if you need some time away from the main room

If you would like help filling in this form, please contact us.

Email us on or you can phone us on (0113) 824 9686.

The Engagement Team

Patient & Public Participation Group

NHS England, Leeds

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