I am a post-doctoral researcher investigating what strategies parents of children with ASD (and other profiles) use to manage their child’s behaviour.

Would you consider sending out the information below to any parents on your books who might be interested in taking part?

We have had a fantastic response so far – nearly 300 parents have completed the study. We are hoping to boost our numbers a bit further to increase the impact of the results before the study closes at the end of November.

I appreciate that you are probably flooded with similar requests, but your help with this would be very much appreciated. We do plan to publish the results in scientific journals, so parents’ efforts in participating will not be wasted.

With best wishes,

Liz O’Nions
Post-doctoral Research Fellow | Parenting & Special Education Research Unit | KU Leuven | Belgium
| liz.onions@kuleuven.be |+32 484 72 45 97
Liz O’Nions is a post-doctoral researcher from the UK, who is currently based at KU Leuven in Belgium. Her work is looking into parenting strategies and child behaviour in children aged 6 – 16, including (but not limited to) parents of children on the autism spectrum.

Liz is hoping to recruit some more parents to take part in the study, which will close at the end of November 2017. She is looking for parents of children spanning a range in terms of severity of difficulties/profiles to take part.


“Help us to find out what strategies parents use to manage behaviour in children with a range of difficulties.”

Research open to parents/carers of children aged 6 – 16 who live in the UK/Europe.

We are looking for parents/carers of children who experience difficulties (including, but not limited to children on the autism spectrum), to take part, as well as parents of children with no particular problems.

Taking part would involve you completing some questionnaires about your perspectives on your child’s behaviour, and the strategies and approaches that you use to manage it. The questionnaires are split into five sections, and should take about 45 minutes – one hour to complete altogether.

The questionnaires measure things like your child’s social skills, anxiety, difficulties with peers, and non-compliant or demand avoidant behaviour. We have also included questionnaires looking at what strategies you use to manage behaviour and how you interact with your child, as well as your feelings about how you handle difficult behaviour.

We will get back in touch with parents who take part in six months’ time to ask them to complete a subset of the questionnaires again. We will also send out a summary of our findings once the study is complete and the data have been analysed.

To find out more, please visit Liz’s google site page:

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