Hi All
At last we are moving from Lowe St this Saturday 30th Sept, therefore, any clubs or activities from Monday 2nd October will now be held at our new premises, it will be sad to leave Lowe st but our new home is much bigger so we can deliver many more activities and services.
Our New Address is:-
15-17 Mill Lane
SK11 7NN
There is parking for 6 cars at the back of the building, however, we would like to keep these for staff/volunteers. There is a carpark at the back of the building which belongs to another company who are next door to us and they have kindly said we can use this at evenings and weekends. We will therefore be using this car park for our clubs, however, for those parents who attend any of our activities in the day Monday-Friday this car park must not be used.
We are asking that all members of the “clubs” access the building from the back door to save you walking along the busy road, however, all other activities you will come in through the front door.
The new premises is a work in progress but we have worked extremely hard in getting it this far and I do hope that over the months it will take shape as we will be asking our members/children and young people about what other activities they would like to see at Space.
We will also be opening our own café and retail area (once we can afford the kitchen) so again watch this space.
If you would like to hear more about our plans then please try and make it to our AGM in November as we really need your ideas – we are going for some huge funding pots from Jan 2018 and we need your voices to be heard in the bids. We will also be offering consultation meetings for our young people and adults on the spectrum so look out for the dates.
Can I thank everyone who has been involved in helping with this very exciting (if not) daunting move – once you see the building you will know what we mean when we say its been a huge job.
We are also going to be sub-letting part of the building to other service providers but this has yet to be confirmed so I will let you know more once we have more news.
Many thanks once again to all those who have raised money for this move – you hit the £15k target with more monies coming in – we couldn’t have done this without you.
Onwards and Upwards from
Cheryl and all the Trustees of Space4Autism
Pauline Girdwood (Chair), John McKellar (Treasurer), Ange Prior, Ann-Marie Morgan, David Townsend, Laura Pope and our secretary Laura Beresford