I have been sent this from the Tytherington High School Blog – 2 wonderful young men who have given up their time to help and support charities – one being Space4Autism – we cannot thank you enough for all your support over the many years and you both truly deserve this award – well done to both of you

Sixth Form Students Win Mayor’s Civic Awards for Volunteer Work

7th March 2017

Congratulations to year 13 students, Tom Smith and James Alexander who have been awarded a special Mayor Civic Award. James and Tom are exemplary young gentlemen. They have both given a considerable amount of time over the past three years to several charities and organisations through unpaid voluntary work.

James and Tom have both volunteered once a fortnight at a local youth group for 6-11 year olds with autism. During their time at Space4Autism (https://space4autism.com/) they have run activities, worked with adult leaders in a professional and supportive manner as well as led visits to the park. They have also led activities in the centre, arts and crafts and weekend residential trips. Both have given a considerable amount of their time (18 months service and counting) during their important GCSE and A Level years to this charity.

James has now moved to support the Samaritans, another example of his dedication to helping out his community.

Both Tom and James have embodied the type of student we wish to leave Tytherington School, they are articulate, resilient, courageous, curious and have the confidence to stand up for what they believe in.
Due to James and Tom’s support for this organisation children with autism are given a safe place to go, a place to build up their social skills, a place to play, learn and mix with similar aged children.

Parents and families benefit from this care, they can leave their children in a safe place, looked after and encouraged by outgoing and caring young people like James and Tom.

The community is more inclusive because of their work.

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