After sending out our 6 monthly monitoring forms for parents to let us know the impact our clubs are having on their children we thought we would share the information with yourselves – including some lovely comments. Thank you to all the parents who sent the monitoring forms back to us.

“Huge growth in confidence and new friendships”

“Since finding Space4Autism my child has come out of themselves, is starting to find their independence and it has made his transition to secondary school so much easier”

“I think as my son has been attending more he does tell me of some disagreements between the children at the club and he is happy with how they are resolved and I am confident that they are managed fairly. They are usually minor incidents to anyone else but to an autistic child with anxiety the outcome matters.  I think given the nature of the children who attend the staff have to work very hard.”

“It offers a chance for our son to interact, learn and to be with other children who accept him as he is. It also offers ourselves a short break”

“Space4Autism is a lifeline for our family”

“I am confident leaving my daughter at the club as I know they fully understand the needs of the children which is very hard to find at other clubs.”

“I don’t know where we would be without the help and support from this charity”

(Please tick) Strongly agree Agree
My child enjoys the Club 82% 18%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers keeps my child safe 88% 12%
My child is making progress at the club they attend.  88% 12%
There is a good range of activities for my child to take part in 88% 12%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers treats my child fairly and with respect 88% 12%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers meets my child’s particular needs 88% 12%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers provides specialist support for my child’s particular needs 88% 12%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers effectively deals with unacceptable behaviour 82% 18%
Space4Autism staff/volunteers takes account of my suggestions and concerns 75% 25%
Space4Autism is led and managed effectively 88% 12%
Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience the Space clubs 88% 12%

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