Given by Living Autism’s Geoff Evans
Sometimes siblings need to express their feelings outside of the family without detracting from the excellent job parents do on a daily basis, siblings can sometimes feel overlooked.
In this workshop by renowned autism speaker and facilitator, Geoff Evans, siblings will gain some more knowledge on autistic behaviours. They will have the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings outside of the family unit and to talk about the things they find best about having a brother or sister with autism, as well as the things that are not so great. They will also have the space to share their experiences with other siblings who understand.
Due to the nature of the workshop it is for children aged 7yrs – 11yrs, note: parents will not be staying at the workshop
We would also require volunteers to help run this workshop so if your child is NOT attending and you feel you could help please contact Space4Autism.
Saturday 10th December 2016
Then from 4.30-5.30 all the family are welcome to come together for a Christmas Buffet
To be held at
This workshop is funded by a grant from the Big Lottery
Please contact Space4Autism to book your place
The Space Centre, 1b Lowe Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7NJ
Charity Nos: 1141860