(professionals are also welcome)
ASD Presentation in Females and also
Profiles of both males and females with high functioning Autism
Given by Alexandra Sturrock
Specialist speech and language therapist
Monday 24th October 2016
I ‘am specialist speech and language therapist in a diagnostic team in the Wirral and a researcher at the University of Manchester. I am primarily looking at the ASD presentation in females with autism and how this may impact on lower diagnosis rates for this group. But I am also looking at the language profiles of both males and females with high functioning autism in order to identify those differences.
The talk will be on what research already tells us about the differences between males and females with autism and how my study hopes to contribute to that knowledge. I will talk through some of the tasks and study design I am using and what we have found so far. There will also be an opportunity to discuss audience experiences and questions.
The Space Centre, 1b Lowe Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7NJ
No need to book just turn up