Aaron F4



Aaron wanted to yet again raise money for Space4Autism, last year he ate vegetables every day for 2 weeks and raised £550 – this year he wanted to raise £1000 and decided to eat fruit every day for 2 weeks.

For someone on the Autistic Spectrum this was not going to be easy, due to all the sensory issues – Aaron’s diet is very limited and he has to have vitamin drinks every day to compensate for his inability to eat all the foods you and I take for granted.

Well after 2 weeks of his challenge he raised an amazing £1300 which has gone towards a new pool table and also a trip to Blackpool Zoo for 70 people in August.

Huge thanks again to Aaron for going above and beyond and as a way of thanks we bought him a hamper for his rabbits and guinea pigs

Thank you to everyone who donated to Aaron through this challenge and special thanks to Aarons school Walton School Academy for your brilliant support

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