Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum Annual General MeetingWe are holding our AGM on Tuesday 26 April at St Peters Church Hall, Elworth, Sandbach, CW11 3HU. Please can you forward this information on to any parent carers who may be interested. Agenda10:15 am – arrive for sign in and tea & coffee 10:30 am – Speaker & business of AGM Our speaker is Geraldine Hills. She is a parent carer and director of Inclusive Choices. She has worked alongside various bodies in the corporate and educational sector, helping them meet their statutory duties, and successfully won a landmark tribunal for her child with dsabilities. She is an interesting & funny speaker with lots of experiences to share with other parent carers. We will then have the business of the Annual General Meeting This is a great opportunity to find out more about what we have done over the last year, and to help decide what we should focus on in the year ahead:
– Resignation of current officers
– Presentation of Treasurer and Chair’s Reports
– Election of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Steering Group Members
– What next? Discussion of our aims for the next year After this we will have lunch, and a chance to meet and chat with other parent carers. (Please let us know if you are coming, and any dietary requirements you have so we can make we have enough lunch for everyone!) 1:30 pm Finish Getting there / expensesMembers of Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum can claim back any travel & childcare expenses – forms will be available on the day. If you need a lift, or are able to offer a lift to another parent, please get in touch and we will see what we can do to help. Any questions, please just get in touch. Hope to see you there! |