Hi Everyone,

I would like to tell you about some recent changes to the Board of Trustees; these changes will not affect the running of Space which Cheryl will continue to manage so effectively.
Kay Wiss has resigned  both as Chair of Trustees and Trustee due to pressure of work and John McKellar has resigned as treasurer but will remain as a Trustee. The Trustees would like to thank both Kaye and John for all their years of hard work in the development of Space4Autism and their dedication to improving the support services for parents and children with ASC.
I will take on the role of Chair for one year and we are in the process of advertising for a treasurer. I will also continue with my role as HR Trustee. If any Member feels they have the necessary skills and would like to join us as Treasurer please let Cheryl know. We are a very friendly team of parents who try very hard to give our Members and their children an increasingly better service and we would welcome anyone who feels they could help with this or as a Trustee Board Member.
We also have two new Trustees. Ange Prior will take on the role of Vice Chair with a view to moving to Chair in a year’s time and Laura Pope will take responsibility for the Clubs. Laura already manages Spacehoppers, our toddler group, and will help Cheryl with the running of the other clubs. The remaining Trustees; John McKellar, Deborah Ashley and Ann Marie Morgan will continue to support Space4Autism as Board Members.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Pauline Girdwood   Chair and HR Trustee. Space 4 Autism

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