Healthwatch Cheshire East Partner News

Working in partnership – update

We are very lucky in Cheshire East to have some fantastic partners in the third sector. This year we have been working with various groups to highlight the problems faced by families living with autism.

Eastern Cheshire CCG have just approved a new business plan to revise diagnosis and treatment pathways for children on the autistic spectrum and we have provided case studies and stories to help with that.

We can only do our job if we work in partnership with people who live with these conditions day in day out. These people are the true experts (though they probably don’t want to be). So, to highlight some of the heroes we work with, please see below.

Space4Autism in Macclesfield are a charity set up to support families living with Autism. They were the first people to highlight the long waiting times for autism diagnosis faced by people in Eastern Cheshire and have been instrumental in engaging with the CCG and driving forward the new pathway.

Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum are led by parents of disabled children. They provide support, signposting and excellent training events.

National Autistic Society (and in particular our local representative) have been researching into the problems faced by families living with autism for some time. We are very lucky in Cheshire East that our local rep is so knowledgeable and patient.

Cheshire and Warrington Carers Trust provide support, coffee mornings and much more to local carers. Their coffee mornings provided us with a lot of our stories and we thank them for their hospitality.

Autism Inclusive in Crewe provide support and training for adults and families living with the autism spectrum and again have been very open and welcoming to us.

In short, thanks very much to all our partners.

Apologies if you are not mentioned above and think you ought to be, click here to rectify this…


Please see below for news from some of our other partners:

Dementia together event, 14 October 2-4pm, Sandbach

 If you are living with dementia or are a carer of someone living with dementia this will be  an opportunity for you to meet with professionals and organisations who would like to  hear your views about the services you use.

There will be an opportunity for you to join in with group discussions on Information,  Training and Awareness, and Transport.

You could make a difference in shaping services in the future.

· A light lunch will be provided.

· There will be support available for those attending who are living with dementia.

· There will be a Market Place with local organisations on hand to provide information on  services and equipment.

If you are interested in attending please contact: Kathryn Fisher on

01270 371315 or email


 Join the Cheshire Chat


NHS South Cheshire CCG and NHS Vale Royal CCG’s Cheshire Chat is launched!

This is our central Cheshire wide engagement exercise and we’re encouraging everyone to  get involved to share their thoughts and views on local healthcare.

We want our colleagues, patients, public and stakeholders to share with us what they  think and feel about local healthcare for them and their local community as well as what  they would like to see in the future.

 We’re encouraging everyone to have their say to make a real difference in shaping local  healthcare by answering a series of simple questions linked to our priorities via a  dedicated website:

As well as the dedicated website we’ve also built a unique Facebook page to promote the  work that we’re doing in shaping the future of local healthcare – search for the Cheshire  Chat page on Facebook.

 Caring Together Champions


Eastern Cheshire CCG are trying to organise a workshop at the beginning of November for  anyone interested in joining the Caring Together programme. Caring Together is looking  to change healthcare in Eastern Cheshire and you can be a part of it.


To get involved, simply email Charles Malkin (Communications Manager) at the CCG on and tell him when you are available using the below table. Please reply  by Monday 12 October if possible.


10am – 12 noon
2pm – 4pm
6pm – 8pm


For more information about Caring Together, click here.


 Macmillan Cancer


Have you had cancer? Or cared for someone with cancer?

The new Macmillan User Involvement team at Manchester Cancer needs your help to  improve cancer services across Greater Manchester and East Cheshire. By sharing your  experiences and opinions, you can help shape cancer services and make sure that the care  provided is what people really need.


There are lots of different ways to get involved, and you can give as much or as little time  as you would like. And whether you’re taking surveys, reviewing leaflets, helping us  develop training programmes for doctors and nurses, or acting as a patient representative  at board meetings, your actions will make a big difference.


We’re committed to making sure that people affected by cancer are at the heart of  service improvements. So if you’re a patient, family member, carer, friend or neighbour,  we would love to hear from you.


If you’d like to get involved, or if you have any questions, please call us on 0161 918 2368,  or email You can write to us too, at Macmillan User  Involvement Team, Block A, Withington Hall, The Christie Hospital, Manchester M20 4BX.


 Click here for more information

NICE is looking for members of the public to develop guidance and advice on four topics


NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) are looking for lay members to join our committees to develop guidelines or quality standards on:

·              Sexually transmitted infections: condom distribution schemes – closing date: Wednesday 11 November 2015

·              Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health – closing date: Wednesday 11 November 2015

·              Contraceptive services – closing date: Wednesday 4 November 2015

·              Hip fracture – closing date: Wednesday 4 November 2015


Full information for each recruitment is available through the relevant linked title above, including details of the payment we are able to offer to lay members for helping to shape NICE’s work.



If you would like some of your events or research publicised by us, please click here to contact us.

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