Are you waiting for support from CAHMS?  ( )
Along with one of our parents we are compiling an assessment of the service as we hear stories of long waits; but we cannot “prove it”.  Please answer the following and give an indication of you are willing for us to share your answers.  We plan to summarise the results so no individual is identifiable – it will just be top level numbers.
If you are willing to be available to discuss your case as an example, please give a brief outline and contact details.  If you do this, please also make it clear if you are happy if we (anonymously) share the stories.  A story is worth more than the statistics (apparently!)
When did you first try to get an appointment? 


How long did each stage take you (answer in approximate months please):


If you have a story to tell, please outline it briefly (under 50 words?) and keep in anonymised – this is a great way of informing the commissioners what struggles parents/carers are going through.
Contact details, in case we want to publicise your story as an example (only with your agreement):
Please send your replies to
Please share the above with any parent you think may be able to help – we will then put all the information gained together and discuss with the CaHMS and the Commissioning body to hopefully make a difference to the huge waiting times.
many thanks
Cheryl Simpson
Charity Operations Manager & all the Trustees of Space4Autism

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