Hi All – please see below – is is not the Family Information Service that are coming to talk it is the Cheshire East Family Service…
Lots been happening at Space4autism in the past month. We now have our lovely new kitchen and blinds which have been bought with the very generous Community Grant from Peaks and Plains of £2500.00. We can now offer much more in the way of social independence ie cooking skills to our groups and are also hoping to arrange some parent/carer demonstrations too – more to follow.
We are also busy buying the equipment and getting HQ ready for our new pre-school group “Space Hoppers” more to follow in this too.
We have also had lots of fundraising happening over the past 2 months and we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has either bag packed, cycled, ran, walked or attended our drop in sessions for all your hard work and achievements in raising money for Space4Autism. Speaking of which we had a lovely surprise yesterday – Macclesfield Methodist Church have donated £150 to Space4autism from their coffee mornings which is fantastic.
Our next parent/carer get together is on Monday 20th October 7.30-9.30pm and the Cheshire East Family Service are going to come and talk to the members about how they can help you so please see below for more details.
The Family Service is an early intervention and prevention service working with children/young people ages 0 – 19 across the continuum of need i.e from families accessing universal services all the way up to children/young people with child protection plans. We work under CAF assessments, Child in need plans or Child protection plans.
Examples of direct work we would undertake:-
· Parenting support, strategies and signposting to relevant parenting courses
· Support, advice and strategies with behaviour management, sleep, guidance, boundaries and house rules
· One to one work with children and young people on wishes and feelings, keeping safe, and pretty much any issue they may have
· Liaising with other agencies i.e. health, schools, CAMHS, Youth support
· Managing direct payments
· Finding suitable groups/activities for children/young people to increase socialisation.
The Childrens Act 1989 states that every disabled child is entitled to an assessment which at the time was a Child In Need assessment as at the time that is all there was. Since 2000 we have had the National assessment framework so a disabled child can be assessed under a CAF. Only cases where there are safeguarding concerns or the child has short breaks provided by the Local Authority i.e. overnight stays with a foster carer will have a social worker. All other cases will now be held by a Family Service Worker.
Hope to see you all soon
Cheryl Simpson
on behalf of the trustees of Space4Autism