Today saw the launch of the UK Youth Parliament's MAKE YOUR MARK vote. This is the process by which up to 1,000,000 young people across the UK will pick the five issues to be debated when the Youth parliament assembles in the House of Commons chamber on November 14th. Our MYPs, Noah Aldous and Alias Buchanan will be there and will have the opportunity to speak in the debates. They may even be able to follow in the footsteps of the predecessors, Carissa Tossell (2009), Dan Palmer (2011) and Jess Colston (2012) and either open or close a debate from the despatch box. 10 issues have been selected following debates on over 50 motions at the UKYP annual sitting at Lancaster at the end of July. The five which receive the most support in this ballot will be debated and then one will be selected as UKYP's campaign issue for 2015. Last year approximately 480,000 young people voted, which was double the 2012 total. This year the Cabinet Office has set the challenge of doubling again, across the country Youth Councils and Forums, MYPs and Deputy MYPs, have said 'bring it on'. Reaching our target in Cheshire West and Chester would represent a fourfold increase in the vote, yet our Youth Senate members who will be responsible for getting the 10,000 votes are optimistic. I have told them that whilst hitting the target would be terrific, doubling our vote to 5000 would still stand as a remarkable achievement, we don't want the best to cast a shadow over the excellent. All young people aged between 11 and 18 are eligible to vote and several schools signed up before the end of the summer term. They will receive paper ballots directly. Our Senate members will all be encouraging their own schools and other networks with which they are involved to join in. I will be in contact with schools not currently represented in the Senate and various youth organisations. In case you have contact with one or more eligible young people here are two links you may like to share with them. Here is a link to more information <,-go!-youth-parliament-aims-to-break-records-in-biggest-ballot-of-youth-views-ever-in-the-uk.aspx > Here is the link to the on-line ballot paper < > Voters will be asked who their MYP is. Our MYPs are Noah Aldous and Alias Buchanan. If the voter lives east of a line made by the M53 the A55 and the A41 they should put Noah, to the west of the line it will be Alias. Voting runs until October 3rd and the result will be know on Saturday October 11th. Thanks Ron Davies Young People's Participation & Inclusion Officer Cheshire West and Chester Council Third Floor, The Forum Chester, CH1 2HS