Tuesday 25th November 2014
Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport
The 11th Annual National Hands On Conference organised by Professionals & Parents in Partnership
Plus parent speakers, sharing their experiences
Further Details: Tanya Farley – 07966 399 709 or email autism.ahandsonapproach@gmail.com
Parents: £35
Professionals: £100
Why not follow us on Twitter @autism_handson ?
Conference Fee includes: delegate pack, lunch & refreshments throughout and a CPD Certificate (if required). Registration 08:30
Dr Jacqui Ashton-Smith: Principal at the NAS Helen Allison School, returns to share her vast knowledge of Girls & ASD.
Phoebe Caldwell: A renowned expert will present sensory issues in children & adults with autism.
Suzie Franklin: Author of ‘Personalisation in Practice’ telling us about personal budgets.
Professor Rita Jordan: An international expert at the forefront of autism education.
Charlotte Moore: Journalist , Parent & Author of ‘George & Sam’ will once again return to chair & share her experiences.
Susan Mulcahy: Organisational Psychologist at Liverpool University, specialising in the criminal justice system & ASD.
Andy Simpkins: Stockport’s own expert updating us on Education, Health & Care Plans.
Professor David Skuse: Chair of the Behavioural & Brain Sciences Unit, University College, London.
Workshops covering the following areas:
The Spectrum of co-morbidity & ASD
Getting older with Autism
Person Centered Planning
Sensory Issues in Children & Adults with Autism