Here is a link (underlined below) to information about the proposed Lifestyle Centre in Crewe.


In particular I suggest that you look at the ‘Rolling Public Engagement Presentation’ which shows and tells you about what is planned, what it will replace, and the expected timescale.


The consultation about this appears to have been very brief and has just closed, although the online survey still seemed to be working when I looked at it today.


I hope you find the information useful, even though it may be too late to have a say about it.


Thanks to Gill Welch for telling us about this at the Learning Disability Partnership Board meeting today.



Crewe Lifestyle Centre Proposals



Nigel Watson


Projects Manager for Learning Disabilities

Cheshire East Council

Floor 2, Macclesfield Town Hall, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK10 1EA

Tel: 01625 374868



Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.


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