Young Person’s Advocacy Project – East Cheshire Advocacy
As you may or may not be aware, advocacy for young people aged 14-25 years
old has been funded for the last 3 years by The Big Lottery Fund. This
funds this area of work until 8th August 2013. East Cheshire Advocacy has
applied for funding to continue the much needed work for young people in
transition however we are awaiting to hear back from various funding
sources. We anticipated a quick response however there may be some
transition time between funders where we will have to offer a more limited
We will of course keep you updated on the progress on this, in the meantime,
please continue to make referrals to the service and we will advise you of
any potential waiting list or may signpost you on to other services in this
interim period.
We do appreciate your continued support during this time. If however you
would like to make any comments or suggestions, or provide any feedback to
assist us with our funding application process please contact us.
All questions and enquires to be either emailed to or
call us on (01625) 429922
May I take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has been
involved in the young person’s advocacy project. It has been a pleasure to
work with so many individuals, families and professionals during the last
three years.
Kind regards
Emma Roberts
Young Persons Advocate
* East Cheshire Advocacy | 81 Park Lane | Macclesfield | Cheshire | SK11
‘ Telephone: 01625 429922| Fax: 01625 462450
: Email:
Registered Charity number: 1014487
East Cheshire Advocacy.supporting people with learning disabilities