1. Peaks and Plains will attempt to resolve the crisis for the carer in line with an emergency plan which they have previously agreed with them.
2. If the plan cannot be implemented, Peaks and Plains will during normal office hours contact the appropriate SMART (Skilled Multi-Agency Response Team) to make a referral. The cared for may already have a support plan in place, and if this is the case the worker involved will need to review the provision to see whether it can be changed / increased to support the cared for person through the carer crisis.
3. If an emergency call comes in from a carer out of normal office hours, Peaks and Plains will contact the Emergency Duty Team and discuss the carer’s needs. The Cheshire East Council worker will then need to follow the process as for (2) above.
4. If the person is not known to Cheshire East Council adults’ services, or if there is no other cover available, the frontline worker can contact Crossroads to agree appropriate levels of support for the cared for person for up to 48 hours (or 72 hours if a bank holiday) until the carer crisis is resolved or alternative arrangements are in place. If it is clear that the crisis will last for more than 48 hours, then longer-term support should be put in place as soon as possible rather than waiting for the 48 hours of Crossroads support to elapse