Afternoon everyone

Just an update on the rules that we need to adhere to now that Cheshire East have been placed in Tier 2

As we are a charity we are classed as an “essential service” however there are some changes in the S4A Cafe.

As from Wednesday 14th October you can now only come in and sit at a table in the café with members of your own family or your bubble, the only people who are exempt will be those who bring along a carer to support them.

We will still be taking bookings and would appreciate you supporting the cafe where you can.

The bakery will be running as per usual but we are upping our offer of takeaway – the menu will be put on here and facebook on Thursday.

All the ASC Parent/Carer Training courses will still be running in-house, socially distanced and face covering will be worn unless exempt

All the clubs ie Galaxy, Space for Kids, Saturday Club, Fun Friday, Space for You, Mission Impossible, Art will still be running inhouse as usual.

Space4Carers and the Afterschool club are now suspended till further notice

We are still running our 1:1 appointments either via telephone or face to face

ASC Adult counselling is still running via telephone, telegram or zoom

Adult hub is still running via skype and telephone appointments

OT appointments are still running via telephone

The Drop in is also still running Monday to Thursday 10-3pm

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us on

many thanks for all your support and stay safe everyone