Sunday 24th April 2016


The Space Centre, 1b Lowe Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7NK

As many of you know we have a film production team coming to film “A day in the life of Space4Autism” we therefore need as many as our members as possible to take part in the below sessions. The ones marked with a * are just for the members of those specific clubs.

If you can let me know asap which sessions you can attend (more than one if possible) then we can send it to the Producer.

You will all be on camera so if this is not something you are comfortable with then please do not put your name down.

The sessions below are going to be set up as if they are “real” for the purposes of the filming – they are not the usual 2hrs. Those with a * beside them are just for the children/young people and adults who are registered with those clubs, all the others anyone who can attend is more than welcome.

We will be turning the room around in between each session so you will have to vacate the room after each session unless you can attend more than one in order ie if you are doing the yoga session then you could stay for the Drop In..

We have added the movie night to the end as we need lots of people to come along – we will put a movie on after the filming so everyone can stay and socialise after what I am sure will be a very busy day

Film Production Day Attendance Sheet

Sunday 24th April 2016


If you can attend any of the below sessions please fill in this form and return it back to me asap either by email or hand it to a staff member when you next come into the Space Centre




SessionTimingsName of person attendingYes/No
Space Hoppers

(pre-school children and their parents)

Space for Kids *

(children only stay)

Fun Friday *

(children only stay)


(open to everyone)

Family Drop in

(open to everyone)

Space for You *

(youths only stay)

Galaxy Group *

(members only stay)

Movie Night

(open to everyone)



When a session is taking place just for the children/youths or Galaxy members then the parents will drop off and pick up 45mins later – some parents will be asked to be on camera during the Family Drop in – you will be asked what it is about Space4Autism that is so special and why we are a much needed charity, so it’s over to you guys to promote us as much as you can.

For more information please contact me on

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