The Space Centre, 15-17 Mill Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7NN
Charity Nos: 1141860
Sex and the Aspie
Presented by Stasia Gibbs-Lewis
(a female on the Autistic Spectrum)
Most people, from all walks of life, have a sense of their own sexuality and desires. Most will go through life seeking and experiencing relationships, intimacy, romance, love, marriage and perhaps children. It’s the stuff girlie chats over cocktails are made of.
But whether you’re male or female, private or open, gay or straight, young or old, or any other conceivable variant, turning your love and intimacy desires into a personal reality still remains perilous terrain! The path is frought with obstacles, unwritten social rules, etiquette, body language and the intentions of others to decipher! It can go wrong and it often does. It is undoubtedly, universally, one of the most difficult things we’ll ever steer through!
But what if you’re Autistic?
Do autistic people even want to date? Well, the answer is yes, a lot of us do or want to. But nobody is talking about that. Because with Autism comes the myth that we can’t or don’t desire to make a deeper connection with another human being. For some that may very well be true, but what about the rest of us?
This is where we are going to begin the conversation that needs to be had and enable Autists to share in the love!
(And of course, I will too try to demystify us aspies in love and discuss the difficulties the neurotypical partner may face when understanding their AS partner seems so hard to do)”
Date & Time
Sunday 8th July 2018
Talk 10-1pm
This event is part funded by The Big Lottery
(you must be 16yrs or older to attend)
To book your place please email