Space4Autism was set up by parents in 2005. We are a voluntary run charity and we support the whole family by running over 4000 activities per year for all ages living with ASC.
If you live within the Cheshire East Council area click on the button below to complete a membership form. For those outside this area follow this link: Other Services.
Thank you to everyone who donated and raised funds for S4A, you did it...We will be putting up another fundriaiser soon to celebrate 20yrs of S4A

ASC Adult Support
Take a look at how we can support adults living with ASC or awaiting diagnosis

Children & youth support
We offer lots of events and social clubs for our children and young people

Check out our S4A Café which is autism friendly and open to the whole community
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.
People with Autism, see, hear and feel the world differently to other people. If you have Autism, you have Autism for life; Autism is not an illness or disease and cannot be ‘cured’.
Autism is a spectrum condition, sometimes referred to as Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). People with ASC share certain difficulties, but these will affect them in different ways. Some people with ASC also have a learning disability, mental health issues or other co-morbid conditions, meaning people need different levels of support. All people with ASC learn and develop. With the right sort of support, all can be helped to live a more fulfilling life of their own choosing.
Take a Tour
photos for you to see the building
As the Space Centre has lots of different rooms we thought it might be useful for you see where you are coming to before you arrive.
You may be having your assessment and diagnosis at Space, or you could be visiting the S4A Café or just popping in for a chat – click below to take our Virtual Space Tour

feedback always welcome – email info@space4autism.org

Our sponsors