Good Afternoon,

My name is Amanda and I’m a volunteer at NAS CWaC branch’s new Autism Support Hub and Resource Library based at Rosebank School, Barnton, Northwich, which opened in November 2015. The Hub is housed at The Bungalow within the school’s grounds, and we have a collection of books, DVDs, CD’s, visual aids, sensory toys and other useful tools to support anyone caring for someone with autism, Asperger’s or other learning or sensory difficulty. 

In addition we are running a range of seminars over the next few months with RAIS – Rosebank Autism Information and Support on subjects from Sensory Needs to Diagnosis. Details of the events can be found on our website’s calendar

Or on our Facebook page.

We are hoping to present more courses in the future and I know Esther Fletcher  is looking in to that and may be looking to collaborate with other branches on this.

The library is open every Wednesday in term-time 10am-6pm and available by appointment on other working days. 

Contact details –
Autism Support Hub and Resource Library
Rosebank Bungalow
Townfield Lane

Te;: 01606 74975

Membership is £10 a year per family.
Please could you share the Hub’s details with your members? The Hub is a great resources and we’d like to reach out to as many local families as possible, even if they just pop in for a brew and supportive chat with our volunteers.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards


Amanda Newall

Library Volunteer

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