Mental Capacity Act 2005 – House of Lords report 2014

Attached is an easy-read version of a House of Lords report that has just been published. It is a review of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

This makes a lot of recommendations about improving the law about mental capacity and deprivation of liberty.

These are important because the Mental Capacity Act says how we should decide whether someone can make decisions for themselves or not. Deprivation of liberty is about keeping someone who can’t make their own decisions in a hospital or care home. The House of Lords report says that these rules should be changed to make them better, and that more people need to know about them.


If you want to read the full version of the report (143 pages) there is a link to the downloads screen on page 2 of this easy-read version, or use the link below to go straight to the full report.



Nigel Watson


Projects Manager for Learning Disabilities

Cheshire East Council

Floor 2, Macclesfield Town Hall, Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK10 1EA

Tel: 01625 374868



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